Thursday, February 11, 2010

Jerome, the new thorn in my side.

First day back on-line since the big news (mostly the clinically drug-induced coma after the ER trip)...

So Wednesday night I decided to go in and have my abdomen checked after going weeks with this slightly annoying stabby pain on my left side. After a CT scan, ultrasound and weird looks from multiple radiologists/doctors/nursing staff... it was determined that I have a tennis-ball sized cyst attached to my left ovary.

The doctor stated, "it's not the simple kind, it's full of blood and hard tissue and stuff and I don't see how you're even functioning right now!!"
Wow... that's a lot of faith and technical jargon right there...

Anyway, so I decided to name it Jerome.
I get it checked out tomorrow by a slightly more technically oriented doctor. Wish me luck...

Until then, I guess Jerome and I have some bonding to do.

...Like me punching him in the face on occasion. <3

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