Friday, February 5, 2010

The great unboxing...

Okay, so I'm a little late on the bus bound for hell... I've contemplated buying one for the past couple years simply because of hardware epic flailz and virtually no time for on-line gaming. Now, it's set... I'm doomed.
I think it started with an RvB 'snow day' marathon last week. I had only watched the series once through , though sort of backwards... (season 1 and half of 2 like, several years ago when they first released on-line... and then season 5 at a friend's like a month ago...and well, you get the picture).
Without further adieu, here it is. My first Xbox product... ever.


~My computer says it's inferior. I just think it's jealous.~

~The patient is upside down~
~Ooooh shiny! It must be from the future...~
~Okay, now my computer is jealous.~
~It's aliiiiiive!!! Rawwwwr!~
And yeah, I blame Rooster Teeth.

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